Preparing IT Infrastructure for Black Friday

Black Friday celebration


Interesting comments from our partner Six Degrees on Black Friday preparation. Is your IT infrastructure ready to accommodate peaks in web traffic and extreme demand at transaction points? Application delivery controller technology enables users to scale their resources to accommodate increases in web traffic. edgeNEXUS load balancers ensure that core business applications are always available and delivered to end users with speed and efficiency.


“More often than not, the key to success on Black Friday is communication. Many retailers know the advantages of hosting their business critical applications, such as websites, on cloud technology. It is perfect for these flash events, when flexibility, scalable, and agility are key. But the real hiccup can be between IT experts who are in charge of these systems, and the business leaders. It is vital that they are properly aligned to ensure each knows what is required and at what time. Being business-savvy allows retailer to predict where the peaks are coming from. Being tech-savvy means they allow extra compute resources to be added reducing the risk of downtime.”

About Donna Toomey