Three-quarters of UK policing websites lack secure encryption

website secure encryption

Interesting article highlighting that over 73% of policing websites have significant room for improvement when it comes to security, with some even putting sensitive information at risk.

edgeNEXUS Load Balancers hugely simplify the management of Security HTTP Headers, including X-Content-Type-Options, X-Frame Options and HTTP Strict Transport headers to secure traffic and protect users. 

The edgeNEXUS flightPATH traffic management feature gives users the ability to implement security policies for their sites and application traffic. flightPATH is a dynamic, event-based rule engine developed by edgeNEXUS to intelligently manipulate and route load balanced IP, HTTP and HTTPS traffic. It is highly configurable and powerful, yet very easy to use. 

A quarter of UK policing websites have secure foundations, but half have room for improvement, and the remaining quarter are in need of serious and urgent improvement, according to the Centre for Public Safety.

Only just over a quarter of UK policing and related websites demonstrate high standards of secure encryption, a study by the Centre for Public Safety has revealed.

About Donna Toomey