edgeADC Build
EdgeADC Administration Guide


Like all IT systems management interfaces, there are many times when you need to look at performance metrics and data that the ADC is handling. We provide a customizable dashboard for you to do this in an easy and meaningful manner.
The Dashboard is reachable by using the View segment of the navigator panel. When selected, it shows several default widgets and allows you to choose any customized ones that you have defined.
Dashboard Usage
There are four elements to the Dashboard U: The Widgets Menu, the Pause/Play Button, and the Default Dashboard button.
The Widgets Menu
The Widgets menu located at the top left of the dashboard allows you to select and add any standard or customized widgets you have defined. To use this, select the widget from the drop-down.
Pause Live Data Button
This button allows you to select whether the ADC should update the dashboard in real-time. Once paused, no dashboard widget will be updated, allowing you to examine the content at your leisure. The button changes state to display Play Live Data once a pause is initiated.
When you have finished, simply click the Play Live Data button to restart the data gathering and update the Dashboard.
Default Dashboard Button
It may come to be that you wish to reset the Dashboard layout to the default. In such a case, press the Default Dashboard button. Once clicked, all changes made to the Dashboard will be lost.
Resizing, minimizing, re-ordering, and removing widgets
Resizing a Widget
You can resize a widget very easily. Click and hold on the widget's title bar and drag it to the left or right side of the Dashboard area. You will see a dotted rectangle that represents the new widget size. Drop the widget into the rectangle and let go of the mouse button. If you wish to drop a resized widget alongside a previously resized widget, you will see the rectangle appear adjacent to the widget you want to drop beside.
Minimizing a Widget
You can minimize widgets at any time by clicking the title bar of the widget. This action will minimize the widget and display only the title bar.
Moving Widget Order
To move a widget, you can drag and drop by click and hold down on the title bar and moving the mouse.
Removing a Widget
You can remove a by clicking the V icon in the widget title bar.