edgeADC Build
EdgeADC Administration Guide

Email Events

The ADC is a critical appliance, and like any essential system, it is equipped with the ability to inform the systems administration of any issues that may require attention.
The System > Email Events page allows you to configure an email server connection and send notifications to system admins. The page is organized into the sections below.
Send to Email Events to Email Addresses
Add a valid email address to send the alerts, notifications, and events to. Example support@domain.com. You can also add multiple email addresses using a comma separator.
Return Email Address:
Add in an email address that will appear in the inbox. Example adc@domain.com.
Mail Server (SMTP)
In this section, you must add the SMTP server details to be used to send the emails. Please ensure that the email address you use for sending is authorized to do so.
Host address
Add in the IP address of your SMTP server.
Add in the Port of your SMTP server. Default Port for SMTP is 25 or 587 if you use SSL.
Send Timeout
Add in an SMTP timeout. The default is set to 2 minutes.
Use Authentication
Tick the box if your SMTP server requires authentication.
·     None
·     The default setting is none.
·     SSL - Use this setting if your SMTP server requires Secure Sockets Layer authentication.
·     TLS - Use this setting if your SMTP server requires Transport Layer Security authentication.
Main Server Account Name
Add in the username required for authentication.
Mail Server Password
Add in the password required for authentication.
Notifications and Alerts
There are several types of event notifications that the ADC will send to persons configured to receive them. You can tick and enable the notifications and alerts that should be sent out. Notifications occur when Real Servers are contacted or channels started. Alerts occur when Real Servers cannot be contacted, or channels stop working.
IP Service
The IP Service notice will inform you when any Virtual IP address is online or has stopped working. This action is carried out for all Virtual services that belong to the VIP.
Virtual Service
Informs the recipient a Virtual Service is online or has stopped working.
Real Server
When a Real Sever and Port is connected or is not contactable, the ADC will send the Real Server notice.
This notice is an email sent out when a condition has been met, and there is an action configured instructing the ADC to email the event.
Group Notifications
Tick to group notifications together. With this ticked, all the notifications and alerts will be aggregated into one email.
Group Mail Description
Specify the relevant subject matter for the group notice email.
Group Send interval
Stipulate the amount of time you wish to wait before sending a group notification email. The minimum time is 2 minutes.
There are two types of warning emails, and neither should be ignored.
Disk Space
Set the percentage of free disk space before which the warning is sent. When this is reached, you will be emailed.
Licence Expiry
This setting allows you to enable or disable the license expiration warning email sent to the system admin. When this is reached, you will be emailed.