edgeADC Build
EdgeADC Administration Guide


The action is the task or tasks that are enabled once the condition or conditions have been met.
Double click on the Action column to view drop-down list.
Double click on the Target column to view the drop-down list. The list will change depending on the Action.
You may also type manually with some actions.
Double click on the Data column to manually add your data that you wish to add or replace.
The list of all the actions are detailed below:
Add Request Cookie
Add request cookie detailed in the Target section with value in Data section
Target= Cookie 
Data= MS-WSMAN=afYfn1CDqqCDqCVii
Add Request Header
Add a request header of Target type with value in Data section
Target= Accept 
Data= image/png
Add Response Cookie
Add Response Cookie detailed in the Target section with value in Data section
Target= Cookie 
Data= MS-WSMAN=afYfn1CDqqCDqCVii
Add Response Header
Add request header detailed in the Target section with value in the Data section
Target= Cache-Control 
Data= max-age=8888888
Body Replace All
Search the Response Body and replace all instances
Target= HTTP:// (Search string) 
Data= HTTPs:// (Replacement string)
Body Replace First
Search the Response Body and replace first instance only
Target= HTTP:// (Search string) 
Data= HTTPs:// (Replacement string)
Body Replace Last
Search the Response Body and replace last instance only
Target= HTTP:// (Search string) 
Data= HTTPs:// (Replacement string)
This will drop the connection
Target= N/A 
Data= N/A
Will send an email to the address configured in Email Events. You can use a variable as the address or the message
Target= “flightPATH has emailed this event” 
Data= N/A
Log Event
This will log an event to the System log
Target= “flightPATH has logged this in syslog” 
Data= N/A
Redirect 301
This will issue a permanent redirect
Target= HTTP://www.edgenexus.io
Data= N/A
Redirect 302
This will issue a temporary redirect
Target= HTTP://www.edgenexus.io
Data= N/A
Remove Request Cookie
Remove request cookie detailed in the Target section
Target= Cookie 
Data= MS-WSMAN=afYfn1CDqqCDqCVii
Remove Request Header
Remove request header detailed in the Target section
Remove Response Cookie
Remove response cookie detailed in the Target section
Remove Response Header
Remove the response header detailed in Target section
Target= Etag 
Data= N/A
Replace Request Cookie
Replace request cookie detailed in the Target section with value in the Data section
Target= Cookie 
Data= MS-WSMAN=afYfn1CDqqCDqCVii
Replace Request Header
Replace request header in the Target with Data value
Target= Connection 
Data= keep-alive
Replace Response Cookie
Replace the response cookie detailed in Target section with value in Data section
Replace Response Header
Replace the response header detailed in Target section with value in Data section
Target= Server 
Data= Withheld for Security
Rewrite Path
This will allow you to redirect the request to new URL based on the condition
Target= /test/path/index.html$querystring$ 
Data= N/A
Use Secure Server
Select which secure server or virtual service to use
Use Server
Select which server or virtual service  to use
Target= 192.168.101:80
Data= N/A
Encrypt Cookie
This will 3DES Encrypt cookies and then base64 encode them
Target= Enter the cookie name to be encrypted, you may use the * as a wild card at the end
Data= Enter a pass phrase for the encryption
The action below will issue a temporary redirect to the browser to a secure HTTPS Virtual Service. It will use the same hostname, path, and querystring as the request.