edgeADC Build
EdgeADC Administration Guide


This section allows you to change the web console password and enable or disable the Secure Shell access. It also allows the enablement of the REST API capability.
Secure Shell Remote Conn
Please tick the box if you wish to gain access to the ADC using SSH. ”Putty” is an excellent application for doing this.
Web Console
SSL Certificate Choose a certificate from the drop-down list. The certificate you choose will be used to secure your connection to the ADC’s web user interface. You can create a self-signed certificate within the ADC or import one from the SSL Certificates section.
Secure Port
The default port for the web console is TCP 443. If you wish to use a different port for security reasons, you can change it here.
The REST API, also known as RESTful API, is an application programming interface that conforms to the REST architectural style and allows configuration of the ADC or data extraction from the ADC. The term REST stood for representational state transfer and was created by computer scientist Roy Fielding.
Enable REST
Tick this box to enable access using the REST API. Note that you will also have to configure which adapter on which REST is enabled. See the note on the Cog link below.
SSL Certificate
Choose a certificate for the REST service. The drop-down will show all the certificates installed on the ADC.
Set the Port for the REST service. It is a good idea to use a port other than 443.
IP Address
This will display the IP address that the REST service is tied to. You can click the Cog link to access the Network page to change which adapter the REST service is enabled on.
Cog Link
Clicking on this link will take you to the Network page where you can configure an adapter for the REST.
Documentation for REST API
Documentation on how to use the REST API is available: jetAPI | 4.2.3 | jetNEXUS | SwaggerHub
Note: If you get errors on the Swagger page this is because they have an issue supporting query strings
Scroll past the errors to jetNEXUS REST API
GUID using CURL:
·     Command
curl -k HTTPs://<rest ip>/POST/32 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"<rest username>":"<password>"}'
·     will return
{"Loginstatus":"OK","Username":"<rest username>","GUID":"<guid>"}
·     Validity
o     GUID is valid for 24 hours
Licence Details
·     Command
curl -k HTTPs://<rest ip>/GET/39 -GET -b 'GUID=<guid;>