Cisco Duo Proxy
An Edgenexus App User Guide
  • Introduction


The use of two-factor authentication, commonly referred to as 2FA has increased dramatically over the years. This rise in 2FA usage has mainly been due to the stealth capabilities of hackers improving and consequently affecting general and corporate users alike.
Cisco Duo is one of the leading 2FA solutions on the market and has increased its footprint within the enterprise space by leaps and bounds.
Unlike its competition, the Edgenexus ADC (EdgeADC) is the perfect vehicle for providing the corporate enterprise to introduce Cisco Duo authentication capabilities even before the user enters the corporate network.
The Cisco Duo authentication request engine resides within the EdgeADC's container technology and talks directly to the Cisco Duo servers to generate authentication requests and submissions. Once authenticated, the user is passed through to the real servers defined in the load balancing rules.