A Destination is an Instance or Network Interface on which you want the Elastic IP to reside. You must have at least two Destinations defined.
ADC-1 in our case hosts the Elastic IP associated with NIC-2.
ADC-2 also has a NIC-2, awaiting the Elastic IP to be switched over.
We need to add Destinations to allow the HA Cloud Connector to determine where to move the Elastic IP in case of failures that require a failover.
The image below shows what a populated Destinations page looks like. In your case, this will be blank.
Click the Add Destination button to create a blank entry line to add the information.
See the table below for a full description.
A descriptive name field.
Cloud Connection
A drop-down that is auto-populated using your Cloud Connections data.
A drop-down list that is auto-populated using the Cloud Connections data.
Network Interface
This is the NIC on which the Elastic IP is located or should be moved. If you have multiple NICs then you will need to choose the appropriate one from the drop-down.
The next stage is configuring the Virtual Service.