Secure Application Delivery Platform Controller

(Edgenexus Application Delivery Platform)

Fast, Scalable and Secure Applications

Edgenexus ADP is the World's First Generation 4 Load Balancer

edgenexus adp logo

We are now operating in a fast-moving Agile World

We need agility to adapt to change.
We need an ADP.

Ok, Enough acronyms what is an ADP? →

The Edgenexus ADP is a platform that delivers all the services and functionality that you need to deliver fast, scalable and secure applications both now and into the future.

It can be deployed almost anywhere, in practically any format, and offers not just the key functionality we need now such as advanced load balancing, security, application firewall, global DNS, cloud migrations etc., but a platform to deliver new services.

By deploying new apps and services directly onto the platform, the role and functionality can change as your business requirements change, thus ensuring your solution is future proof.

Its is not really an evolution of the load balancer, but a generational step-change and its role in the application network is fully enforced.

edgenexus adp logo

New applications come from three places


We are adding new products and features all the time such as VPN, Advanced DNS and SDN.


You can easily develop your own apps using the Forge. As long as it can run on a Linux platform it can run on our ADP as a microservices container.


We are working with a number of vendors to offer their leading-edge technology on our platform. We don't have all the answers, but we bet our ecosystem partners do!

What service and apps will EADP support in the future?

edgenexus adp logo

How does it actually work?

What's under the hood - No smoke and mirrors, please … Well, they do say that there is rarely anything new in IT, and maybe this is the case. At its heart, the EADP is an elegant integration of a number of technologies. So here is our stack.

Advanced ADC

By deploying new apps and services directly onto the platform, the role and functionality can change as your business requirements change thus ensuring your solution is future proof.

Containerization Stack

We current use Docker, to provide abstraction and additional security between the applications and the host platform, i.e. the ADP.


This is where you can find new applications to deploy on your ADC. You can also download new traffic management rules and platform updates, amongst other things. You are also able to purchase and deploy internet integrated services.

The Forge

The Forge is where you create your own Apps - As long as it can run on Linux it can probably run on the ADP.


This is how we secure and deliver apps. Smartfiles are encrypted files that contain the app and other data such as the vendor, version, logo and integration instructions etc. Smartfiles are encrypted for the platform they are intended for.

CSM: Cloud Service Manager

The Cloud Service Manager allows the ADP to integrate and deploy external cloud-based services, from CDN to Multi-cloud device management.


The 'Glue' that connects the platform to the components. Allows the monitoring and configuration of the ADP from external software.

Hummingbird Advanced GUI

Ease of use is engineered into, and across the platform as a first principle. This assures all the tools translate into business, technical and commercial agility.

What does it look like and how do I deploy it?

Edgenexus ADB Deploy

What next?

What about Edge Computing?

What is this 'edge computing', people keep talking about?

Our Customers

You’ll Be In Good Company


Overall (4.9/5)

Ease of Use (5/5)

Customer Service (4.9/5)


“Edgenexus is simple to use, extremely scalable and comes at the right price point, all of which make it a great fit for us.”