TCS Education

tcs education system

Case Study

The Customer

tcs education system

TCS Education System recently initiated a project to consolidate its websites into one web farm, which introduced a major change in the organization’s network architecture. Previously all the websites were on scattered standalone servers which meant there was no clustering.

The Challenge

tcs education system

Alongside basic server load balancing TCS Education System required additional functionality; real-time protocol manipulation, data compression, network address translation, traffic shaping, QOS, DOS protection, and SSL offload.

“Fantastic, I am very pleased with the ALBX VA’s and their performance and abilities. I would recommend their use to anyone who asks!”

Leslie Waite

Association Director of System Operations, TCS Education System

The Solution | TCS Education System Install Edgenexus ALB-X VA for Improved Site Performance and Resilience of Web Applications

tcs education system

“Reliability has increased exponentially since the ALB-X VA’s are in hot standby formation, Load balancing traffic to multiple web servers. Our availability of network resources is now ‘five nines’.”

TCS Education System continue to experience strong business growth and with the implementation of their Edgenexus ALB-X Virtual Appliances, their web infrastructure is ready to meet such an increase in demand. “We are certainly much better positioned to scale out our web farm” Les Waite, Assoc. Director of System Operations, TCS Education System.

“The ALB-X’s granularity in configuration, monitoring capabilities and multi-protocol load balancing capabilities were all influencing factors, in addition to its stellar performance!”

Leslie Waite

Association Director of System Operations, TCS Education System

“Since deployment, service reliability has increased exponentially – in fact response times are great!”

Leslie Waite

Association Director of System Operations, TCS Education System

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