Tag: flightPATH

How to Migrate F5 iRules to Edgenexus flightPATH

Posted on Tuesday, August 7th, 2018

It’s a widely held belief among my colleagues at Edgenexus that whilst F5 LTM load balancers are extremely powerful and flexible, the reliance on the use of iRules scripting to perform some basic functions leads to unnecessary complexity.   You only have to do an online search for F5 iRules to discover the pain and […]

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How to Migrate F5 iRules to edgeNEXUS flightPATH

Real World Uses for Application Traffic Management

Posted on Thursday, June 28th, 2018

Load Balancers have evolved to deliver a wealth of application optimisation features that go beyond simple high availability and resilience. Often when it comes to traffic management, there is a list of complex features that a Load Balancer can deliver. However if like me, you don’t know every IT acronym under the sun, then you […]

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traffic management background