Tag: ITsecurity

A Web Application firewall can be a pain in the A*** but maybe its essential for GDPR ?

Posted on Wednesday, March 7th, 2018

Firewalls have been around for years, but Web Application Firewalls are much newer and despite the name very different!   So firstly what is a WAF? What does it do and why do I need one (or not)? Quite simply a normal firewall will open up ports to allow traffic from the outside world access to […]

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strong man illustration

WannaCry – What’s next…

Posted on Monday, February 5th, 2018

Thoughts on the latest NHS “WannaCry” exploit – could it happen again, could it be worse and what lessons can be learned? NHS “WannaCry” exploit – It could happen again and it could be worse! This week we have witnessed the wide spread hacking of computer systems, this has had widespread implications to us all as […]

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jetnexus waf graphing