Tag: load balancer

Edgenexus brings advanced load balancing to Azure

Posted on Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023

For obvious reasons, many of us are now working remotely. The result of this is that many systems such as application servers, remote desktop and VPN’s are being pushed to the limit (and in some cases further!) Larger numbers of users accessing the application over slower connections (Broadband vs local LAN) will introduce latency and […]

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Tips to speed up and improve capacity of remote access and web applications

Tips to Speed up and Improve Capacity of Remote Access and Web Applications

Posted on Tuesday, March 24th, 2020

For obvious reasons, many of us are now working remotely. The result of this is that many systems such as application servers, remote desktop and VPN’s are being pushed to the limit (and in some cases further!) Larger numbers of users accessing the application over slower connections (Broadband vs local LAN) will introduce latency and […]

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Tips to speed up and improve capacity of remote access and web applications

Real World Uses for Application Traffic Management

Posted on Thursday, June 28th, 2018

Load Balancers have evolved to deliver a wealth of application optimisation features that go beyond simple high availability and resilience. Often when it comes to traffic management, there is a list of complex features that a Load Balancer can deliver. However if like me, you don’t know every IT acronym under the sun, then you […]

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traffic management background

Load Balancing? What is it?

Posted on Thursday, September 7th, 2017

Picture this, you work in purchasing. You come into work to find a sign-off request on your desk for yet another IT solution. A load balancer – you are unsure of what it is or does, all you know is that the IT department need it. Sound familiar? Before you call your IT Manager and […]

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server room

Mr Worldwide Presents: A Brief Overview of Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB)

Posted on Friday, June 2nd, 2017

What is GSLB and how does it work ? Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) is a method of directing traffic across multiple networks, be it on the same site, or on the other side of the world. GSLB can be used to load balance across two separate networks, where there are no VLANs in place, […]

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GSLB service delivery

Lucky 13 for TLS SNI

Posted on Wednesday, January 25th, 2017

  It’s hard to believe but TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) has been around for thirteen years. In our modern times, it’s a dinosaur, yet strangely a little used one; although that is finally changing, and it’s in this blog that we explore how edgeNEXUS advanced load balancers can support this feature. SNI deals with […]

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jetnexus TLS SNI

Preparing IT Infrastructure for Black Friday

Posted on Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

  Interesting comments from our partner Six Degrees on Black Friday preparation. Is your IT infrastructure ready to accommodate peaks in web traffic and extreme demand at transaction points? Application delivery controller technology enables users to scale their resources to accommodate increases in web traffic. edgeNEXUS load balancers ensure that core business applications are always […]

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Black Friday celebration

Three-quarters of UK policing websites lack secure encryption

Posted on Tuesday, October 11th, 2016

Interesting article highlighting that over 73% of policing websites have significant room for improvement when it comes to security, with some even putting sensitive information at risk. edgeNEXUS Load Balancers hugely simplify the management of Security HTTP Headers, including X-Content-Type-Options, X-Frame Options and HTTP Strict Transport headers to secure traffic and protect users.  The edgeNEXUS […]

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website secure encryption

How long will you wait for a shopping website to load?

Posted on Monday, August 22nd, 2016

  Another interesting article which details the business critical importance of fast page load times. This is especially crucial in retail, where a fraction of a second really can impact user experience and shopping cart abandonment rate.Retail sites are increasingly enhancing functionality to offer a personalised service, including deep social media integration, online “dressing rooms” […]

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Introducing Error 451 – Also Known as the “You’re Being Censored Code”

Posted on Thursday, January 28th, 2016

  Last month the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) introduced a new HTTP status code for legally-restricted resources. Ok, before you give up on reading this, writing it off as the most boring blog on the internet, I promise you it’s not quite that dry. In fact the new HTTP error code raises some interesting […]

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censored image

edgeNEXUS Revs Up Awareness for Azure Load Balancer with Microsoft

Posted on Wednesday, December 9th, 2015

  The edgeNEXUS Load Balancer is now available through the Azure Marketplace, enabling Microsoft customers to deploy feature-rich application delivery control technology which improves the performance, scalability and reliability of applications, in the cloud. We’re thrilled to be working so closely with the Azure team to launch edgeNEXUS in the Cloud. More info here: https://www.edgenexus.io/load-balancer/platform/microsoft-azure-load-balancer/ […]

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jetnexus load balancer