Tag: security

Could your internet connected Kettle get you into hot water….

Posted on Thursday, August 9th, 2018

What Happens when Big Data Analytics Meets the Internet of Things ? The other day I was chatting to some like-minded techies about The Internet of Things and the seemingly pointless nature of certain commercial products that have been created in the wake of this all-consuming trend. An Internet connected kettle for instance, what’s the […]

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iot and big data analytics

This Isn’t Just a Firewall, This… is a Web Application Firewall

Posted on Thursday, May 3rd, 2018

  Firewalls are, in technology terms, as old as the hills. There’s been more ‘next generation’ firewalls than musical genre’s in the 40 odd years they’ve been about. At their heart, they permit or deny packets entering or leaving a network and, useful as that is, little else. Each generation adds something new to the […]

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jetnexus web application firewall

Simplicity and Security with SSO and Pre-Authentication

Posted on Thursday, August 31st, 2017

Don’t just Authenticate users on your web or application servers. Find out who they are before hand. Why – Would you invite someone into your house (who you had no idea who they were) , sit them down on your sofa and then ask them for ID? Authenticate them as close to the edge as possible […]

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jetnexus authentication

6 Things to Consider When Deploying a Load Balancer

Posted on Wednesday, July 19th, 2017

When you have made the sensible decision to implement a load balancer within your infrastructure, there are a few points you should consider to get the best from your solution. Load Balancing technology has evolved considerably and as a result, the terminology and architecture surrounding it can be confusing and overwhelming. This blog explores the […]

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abstract background

WannaCry – What’s next…

Posted on Tuesday, May 16th, 2017

Thoughts on the latest NHS “WannaCry” exploit – could it happen again, could it be worse and what lessons can be learned? NHS “WannaCry” exploit – It could happen again and it could be worse! This week we have witnessed the wide spread hacking of computer systems, this has had widespread implications to us all as […]

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Security, Wannacry

Is the Toaster a Back Door to Your Network? – The IoT, Security and IP EXPO

Posted on Friday, October 9th, 2015

So what did I take from IPEXPO this year? Firstly, that Excel is miles away from Paddington. So far in fact that I was trying to find the sleeper cabin on the Jubilee line! But seriously speaking, the most engaging content of the show for me was all related to Security, and more specifically, how […]

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