Tag: ssl

Lucky 13 for TLS SNI

Posted on Wednesday, January 25th, 2017

  It’s hard to believe but TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) has been around for thirteen years. In our modern times, it’s a dinosaur, yet strangely a little used one; although that is finally changing, and it’s in this blog that we explore how edgeNEXUS advanced load balancers can support this feature. SNI deals with […]

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jetnexus TLS SNI

Is the Toaster a Back Door to Your Network? – The IoT, Security and IP EXPO

Posted on Friday, October 9th, 2015

So what did I take from IPEXPO this year? Firstly, that Excel is miles away from Paddington. So far in fact that I was trying to find the sleeper cabin on the Jubilee line! But seriously speaking, the most engaging content of the show for me was all related to Security, and more specifically, how […]

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