HA Cloud Converter
Administrator Guide

Access Control (IAM) and Roles

The next stage is to set the IAM roles in order for the HACC app to communicate and control aspects of the Azure infrastructure.
To do this you need to first access the Subscriptions. We will be creating roles called:
·     Network Contributor and
·     Virtual Machine Contributor.
Within the Subscription page, click on the Access Control (IAM) link in the left panel.
Now click Add Role Assignment as shown above. The screen you will see is one like below. Type Network Contributor in the search box and select the Network Contributor option as shown below.
Now click the +Select Members link as seen below, and then click Next.
You will now see the box shown below on the right side. Select the application you registered. In our case it looks like the image below.
Now repeat the steps above to add the Virtual Machine Contributor role.
When done, go to the Home page of your portal to proceed to the next steps.