HA Cloud Converter
Administrator Guide

Defining Cloud Connections

·     Click the Cloud Connections option in the Navigation bar on the left of the page and expand it.
·     Select Microsoft Azure.
·     To add your Cloud Connection, please click the Add Cloud Connection button.
·     You wil now see a blank field line that you need to fill in.
·     Add a value for the Cloud Connection name. This can be anything you wish, and in our case we have shown it as HACCTest.
·     Add the Azure Region in which your VMs are located.
·     Add your Azure Subscription ID. You can find this in your VM Overview page.
·     Next, add the Tenant ID (found in your HACC App Registration overview)
·     Next, enter the Client ID (found in your HACC App Registration overview)
·     Finally, we have to enter the Client Secret. As you recall, we defined this when creating the App Registration and you should have noted this down.
·     You finally have to Save and then Apply the changes.
·     Next click the Test button to check it works. If an error is shown, check all the settings entered.
·     If you see the following error when you perform the test, please check the Role Assignments you defined earlier.