One of the key elements of the HA Cloud Connector is its ability to monitor the virtual services that are running on the ADC. In order to do this, we have defined a monitoring service using the eth0 network interface IP.
· Click Add Service
· A blank field line is presented for entry.
· Click the Monitoring VS menu and select the VIP you defined as the Monitoring VIP. This is the one that used the eth0 IP address of the ADC.
· Select the Cloud Connection.
· Select the Elastic Public IP address you created.
· Select VM1 as the Primary Destination.
· Select VM2 as the Secondary Destination.
· In the Failback field, select Enable if you want to have the HACC App failback to the Primary when the issue has been fixed, or Disable if you would like the connection to be retained on ADC2, making that the Primary.
· Click Save.
Repeat this on the HACC App on ADC 2.
NOTE: Please make sure that both Preferred and Secondary Destinations are the same on ADC 1 and ADC 2.
And that is it! HA Cloud Connector has been configured.